Tuesday, July 9, 2013

MTC Week 5

Konnichiwa Mina San! Well it's been another week here at the MTC, and I don't think I've ever been so tired. :) But I love it, seriously... Every day I feel so much closer to Heavenly Father, and this work is truly amazing. Even from behind the walls of the MTC, haha. So some really awesome stuff happened this week!
First off: I'm what you could say "training" here at the MTC. I was in my tri-panionship, and on wednesday the Ninhon-jin (People from Japan) arrive to leave with the next group! So anyways, one of the Nihon-jin was from Gilbert Arizona, and had been speaking Japanese since he was very litte, so the MTC placed him in the Nihon-jin class. Long story short, they transfered him to our district, and he and I are now companions. This is my 4 comp here at the MTC technically! Pretty crazy right? But yeah, so this is still his first week, so I've been training him in the ways of the MTC (haha) and he's a really great guy. My Japanese is coming along pretty great! I wanna share with you guys a way cool experience I had last night.
So last night was just one of those really bad nights. I was being really hard on myself about the language, and I decided to talk to my teacher (Ekins Kyodai) about it. He said we'd have a little talk together, and we went to this little room to talk it out. I'll admit I got a little teary talking to him, as it was just one of those days when the task you've been given just seems way to hard to do. Ekins Kyodai was really great, and all of sudden he just went, "Teach my about the Atonement in Japanese right now." I was little taken aback, but I said okay. Suddenly my heart just burned as I talked about the Atonement, it's purpose, and how it had helped me so much throughout my life. I basically had a perma-grin the entire time, and the words just started flowing. At the end, Ekins Kyodai said that I had nothing to worry about, and that I was a great missionary how could teach the Gospel with the Spirit very well. it was awesome. Heavenly Father really does look out for his missionaries, and it was so awesome to feel that power. Missionary work is amazing. :)
Awesome thing that happened number 2: So! The other night during class it started thundering and lightning-ing, so our teacher let us go outside to hang out in the storm! So we were all outside just hanging out, and all of a sudden this Elder comes up to me and just gives me a massive hug. I didn't see his face, so I had absoulutely no idea who it was, which was rather awkward, haha. He steps back, and it was Zack Andrews! I was so pumped and gave him another hug, and we had a way good talk. he told me Porter Griffiths is here now (Going to Honolulu) and so is Christian Russel and Brady Peck! Brice Horrocks just got his call apparently, and will be here in a couple months. It was so amazing seeing all of these guys I grew up with, and I was thankful I got to see them. It made me so dang happy!
To answer your questions Dad, yes my clothes are holding up pretty great! The suits are doing good, just have to iron them occassionally, but overall they're great. I love my vans, haha.Thanks to Mom as well for the awesome care package, I loved it! Seriously, they help out so much not only me, but the people in my district. A few days ago, a lot of the missionaries in my district were feeling super homesick and discouraged. I decided to grab that "Let His Image be in your Countenance" card you sent me, Mom? The one with the INCREDIBLE poem on the back? But anyways, I handed it to those that were feeling down, and it was amazing how much it helped them. All of them send their love and thanks to you Mom for sending that to me. Love ya mamma. :) I got a calling by the way! Sacrament Cordinator, aw yeah. Each Sunday I get to be 14 again and prepare the Sacrament, I really like it actually! it's fun to have those old flashbacks of being a teenager, and I feel really honored to get to prepare the Sacrament every Sunday. As soon as that SD Card Reader gets here, I'll for sure have some photos for you all! i got some good ones from the 4th. Speaking of the 4th! It was really awesome. We all got to watch 17 Miracles, which was amazing, and then we went and watched the firework show, which was awesome. We were all in bed by 11:30 like a bunch of rebels.
It's really becoming so crazy how quickly the time has gone by here! This coming Monday all of our Dai-Senpai leave, and my Zone takes their place. I feel like it was just yesterday that I was saying goodbye to you all, but I'm so excited to get to Japan. A bunch of the "I'm a Mormon" videos are featuring Japanese people, and it is so awesome to see the strength of their testimonies. My comp told me that apparently Japanese Members are some of the nicest people you will ever meet, so I'm really getting so excited. The language may be hard, but I know that through the Lord, I'll be able to do it. He wants His Gosple to go forth, and I feel so blessed to be the instrument. I'm so glad to hear you're all doing fun stuff, and thank you so much for your prayers, I know they help me so much. Sidenote:  Just so Whit and Alexa know, my Elders think you both are GORGEOUS! Last night, I was going through my family book, and I had missionaries coming in saying, "We heard Justesen Choro has hot sisters! Can we see?" Yeah.. it was a little awkward, but I took some pride in our family. ;)
Although some days are really hard, I am so happy I decided to serve a mission. It has blessed my life so much, and has brought me so close to the Savior. That scripture is so true in D&C, where it states that if you do missionary work, your sins will be washed away. I have felt the old me change into something so much better, and I'm so thankful for this chance to serve the Lord. I just cannot wait to get to Japan and really "start" my mission. I have loved this MTC, and the people I've met.
But anyways, I'm still me though. :) Yesterday we all quoted the Office during class, and I was the master of quotes, haha. This place just rocks, and Heavenly Father truly blessed me with some great missionaries. This Gospel is true! I love you all so much, and thank you for all of your love, prayers, letters, packages, just everything. Thank you so much! Have another great week, and know that Heavenly Father loves us so much! Kono fukuin ni yotte Kamisama no ai kanjiru koto ga dekiru to akashi shimasu! Iesu Kirisuto wa watashitachi no sukuinushi desu. Matsu Jitsu Seito Iesu Kirisuto Kyokai ga shinjitsu da to askashi shimasu!
Love you all!
Justesen Choro (P.S. When I get to the mission field, I get a new tag that's entirely in japanese, including the name Justesen. Justesen in Japanese Characters (Katakana) is so legit!!! I saw it yesterday!)

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